Friday, October 12, 2007

Assignment # 9 response

Gender and choice as well as sexuality and choice? I hesitate to answer for others as I am nowhere near questioning where I stand and how I feel. I am comfortable in my own skin I suppose and wish everyone else could be happy in their skin. The only recurring theme I can think of is that if society would not hold people to strict norms and requirements then maybe sex changes would not be necessary. If everyone was not required to fulfill gender roles as described by genitalia then maybe someone who felt like a man with female genitalia could live life fulfilling male roles without feeling like they were out of sync with everyone that had female genitalia. I know that some people absolutely feel like they have to switch to fulfill their needs but there are also people who feel that certain limbs "simply don't belong" and amputate. Again we should be open to everything and then the true nature of people could come out. I do not know how else I can say it live and let live fuckers!

Some people argue for being born gay others say its not natural. I say it is how you make it. I could believe that certain people are just strictly homosexual from the get go as in birth. I can also believe and firmly believe that everyone can chose to be whatever sexuality they want. The reason I say this is because lately I've asked why I am attracted to females and the scary answer is just cause. I'll be the first to say that I think we've all had the drunken experience where we tell our friends we love em and it is purported that most men will have a homosexual experience at one point. We are humans for crying out loud sex feels good and depending on your mindset it doesn't matter if its a horse or Jessica Biel it will feel good. That is all I have to say.

1 comment:

amanda said...

great discussion of gender. reading your comments on sexuality makes me think about the different ways in which hetero- and homo-sexual identified people understand their desires. maybe heterosexual people don't worry as much about how their preferences/desires are phrased, but homosexual people insist that it's an internal feeling, to justify violating a norm? something to think about...